- I found Blogger's browser-based publishing more tedious and limiting than traditional web page editing (using OS-based applications).
- A nice discovery in Flickr is the beautiful presentation of hidden EXIF data for most photos.
- merlin is now permanently in my bookmarks and I have the intention of using it as a resource in upcoming projects.
- LibraryThing was the high point of this program. Building a personal library of books represented by cover images, as if the covers were iTunes CD art, is an exciting activity.
- The disappointments were Rollyo, PBwiki and del.icio.us, for the reasons outlined in the posts below.
In my view, the greatest benefit of the systemwide implementation of Maryland 23 Things is that, henceforth, we can engage in technology conversations with BCPL staff, knowing that all staff members have been exposed to the specific web services covered in the discovery exercises. ("As you may recall from the 23 Things...")